• 以品質創造信譽,以信譽保證品質 TO BUILD UP OUR REPUTATION ON QUALITY AND TO GUARANTEE THE QUALITY FOR THE SAKE OF OUR REPUTATION    本公司董事長呂鴛鳳女士憑其努力不懈之創業精神及在事業上之卓越成就,於一九八二年當選為台灣第五屆青年創業楷模,一九八三年榮獲第一屆傑出工商婦女獎,並二度獲李總統登輝先生召見勉勵。在多元化的發展原則下,本公司出品之飛機清洗劑等金屬表面處理劑係引進美國之配方及技術在台灣製造並不斷研發創新,其品質均符合美軍軍品之規格。由於業務不斷的擴展,本公司行銷網已遍及全球,為因應市場需求,特於1992 及 1993年投入鉅資先後設立上海華崗興業助劑有限公司(上海廠)及擴建台灣林口廠,現兩項工程已次第竣工加入生產,將提供客戶更有效及完善之服務。
  •  企業文化 Culture     誠信 – 是企業經營之價值所在。以誠實、信用為每個客戶提高品質,降低成本為宗旨。 Honesty – It is the company’s believe . Honesty, credibility for each customer to improve the quality and reduce the costs.  創新 – 持續創新,勇於嘗試,以專業技術為後盾,不斷推陳佈新,提供客製化產品。 Innovation  - Continuous innovation, and the courage to try.  With professional and technical background, continuing to introduce new products and providing customized products.
  •  公司願景 Vision      台灣淵峰關係企業共同願景是成為亞太地區紡織染整業助劑與金屬表面處理繼之領導品牌。不斷研發、創新、綠色環保,為地球上每個人創造美好的每一天。The common vision of YOUN FOUNG and affiliated companies is to become the leader brand of textile dyeing and finishing industry, and metal surface treatment field in the Asia Pacific region. With continued research, development, innovation, and green environmental protection  create a better life for everyone on the planet.





Become our partner and we prove  the efficiency of this decision.  Just one step to success! We are  is implementing a strategy to accelerate growth through innovation





We never stop working for your success, every single day!